Продукти за bertolli bio (2)

Заварчик - Заварчици, Заваряване, Заваръчни услуги

Заварчик - Заварчици, Заваряване, Заваръчни услуги

We present to you our team of experienced welders, prepared to confront the challenges of your most demanding projects. Our team of experienced professionals specializes in various welding techniques, including MIG, MAG, and TIG, and holds the necessary welding certifications. Key Features of Our Welders: - Certified Expertise: Each one of them holds all the required welding certificates, ensuring exceptional competency and quality in carrying out welding tasks. - Years of Experience: They bring rich experience from various projects. - Precision and Reliability: They perform their work with a high degree of precision and conscientiousness, always adhering to the highest quality standards. - Team Coordination: Our welders are adaptable and integrate well into teams, ensuring efficient collaboration on every project. Our team is ready for new challenges. If you need reliable and skilled welders for your next project, we are the right partner.
Кожа+Косъм Vital - е напълно натурален хранителен добавка, която допринася за интензивно...

Кожа+Косъм Vital - е напълно натурален хранителен добавка, която допринася за интензивно...

Beckers Haut & Fell Vital ist ein rein natürliches Ergänzungsfuttermittel und trägt zur intensiven Versorgung mit vielen wichtigen Nährstoffen des Organismus bei. Zusammensetzung: Bierhefe (Getr.), Schwarzkümmelsamen, Seealgenmehl, Mariendistelfrüchte, Traubenkernmehr, Gingkoblätter, Brennesselblätter, Spirulina, Sanddornfrüchte. Analytische Bestandteile:Rohprotein 26,80%, Rohfett 10,30%, Rohasche 17,30%, Rohfaser 4,70%, Natrium 0,51% Fütterungsempfehlung: Hunde geben Sie einen 1/2 Teelöffel je 10 kg Körpergewicht über das Futter.